Saturday, December 6, 2014

My Entry in the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #453--Almost

For the second week in a row I neglected to submit my entry in the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest. The caption for Contest #453 was all written and ready to go, but I was distracted for a number of hours Sunday night by less important things like keeping my job. Here then is what my entry would have been, more or less. If history is any guide, the outcome of the contest should not have been any different had I submitted this caption, but one never can be sure. At least the New Yorker should still be able to come up with three finalists, right? The drawing is by Zachary Kanin. ¡Olé!
"You should be carrying a rose in your teeth."

December 8, 2014 Update:  The Finalists

December 29, 2014 Update:  Winning Caption

Note:  Last week's contest by Tom Cheney was set in a marriage counselor's office. The caption I failed to submit was surprisingly similar to one of the finalists, only not as good. See the irreconcilable results of Contest #452.

Zachary Kanin has been mentioned in two of my essential blog posts, one about drawing porcupines in a copy of The Rejection Collection, Volume 2 and one about a charity auction to which he donated one of his Rapunzel cartoons. If you have never read these posts, you really should because they're a lot better than the posts where I say I thought up a caption for the contest and forgot to submit it.


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