The New Yorker reached two million "likes" on Facebook. They celebrated this social media milestone with--what else?--a cartoon caption contest. Who could resist? The drawing is by
New Yorker cartoonist
Benjamin Schwartz.
For starters, this pretty darn good even without a caption, right? There were hundreds of captions entered as comments, way too many to absorb and way too clever to outdo. I went ahead with the following two submissions and I hope they didn't duplicate anyone else's earlier efforts.
"Apparently, they liked antelope." |
Clearly, that was way too low-key for a cartoon caption contest. I hope this second submission packed just a little more punch.
"Personally, I prefer cat videos." |
Note: Looking back on my past entries in
Benjamin Schwartz's New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contests, I'm pretty much pleased with what I came up with, especially when I didn't forget to submit them.
The whole sorry history of my entering
cartoon caption contests can be relived in reverse chronological order for those who enjoy seeing me publicly humiliated.
Halloween posts from days gone by are your required reading this week. Go ahead, check your syllabus.