Beginning around 1946, the young Frank Modell served as assistant to New Yorker cartoon editor James Geraghty. Working at The New Yorker, he acquired some early original works by Peter Arno that had never been published in the magazine. Possibly, some of these forgotten works were left unclaimed in the office, or they may have been gifts received personally from Arno.
Now we see that Modell also came to possess an early original drawing by Charles Addams. Apparently, this also was submitted to The New Yorker but not published. The cartoon, somewhat elongated in its proportions, shows two hunters involved in an unusual head-on car accident, no pun intended. The estate of Frank Modell attempted to sell this original at Bonhams, twice. The auction house listing does an admirable job of summarizing other Addams cartoons on similar subjects. In June, the drawing was given an estimate of $6,000-8,000. Unsold, it was offered again in December with a lower presale estimate of $5,000-7,000. The minimum bid was set at $5,000 but once again the Addams work did not find a buyer.

Charles Addams Bonhams, December 15, 2021
The earlier June 2021 sale:
June 25, 2022 Update: Having twice failed to sell this cartoon at Bonhams, the consignor took this Addams piece to Swann Galleries, where it found a buyer in the June 9 Illustration Art sale at a more reasonable price. A souvenir drawing of Uncle Fester, on the other hand, sold remarkably well. |
Charles Addams Hammer price Swann Auction Galleries June 9, 2022 Illustration Art sale
Note: The blog archive has two posts about Peter Arno cartoons from the estate of New Yorker cartoonist Frank Modell. Find them both here.