Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The CartoonStock Cartoon Caption Contest No. 183

I'm afraid I had to make a deal with the devil in order to solve CartoonStock Caption Contest number 183. The infernal scene is set in a shopping center's parking lot. The King of the Underworld offers a crown on a pillow to a woman packing groceries into her car. Easy peasy, right?

The rules of the monthly cash prize contest have not changed (and neither has my description of them): Five dollars buys up to three entries. Real cash prizes are $500 for first place and $100 for each of five runners up. As of this writing, I've put $140 into the first twenty-eight pay-to-play contests and this twenty-ninth challenge brings my total cash outlay up to $145. Having achieved runner-up status with two previous entries, I've collected $200 from CartoonStock, so I'm still playing with the house's money, thank goodness. In fact, so few contestants enter that the odds may generally be considered favorable even for us less-gifted caption writers. My three entries are shown below, above t

he break. The cartoonist is David Borchart.

"I'm already enjoying the life of Satan's mistress."
"Not unless you install air conditioning."
"How would you feel about a church wedding?"
* * *
"Never mind all that. How's your wi-fi?"

September 1, 2024 Update:  The Winner

Lawrence Wood mentioned my church wedding caption in his commentary, something that hasn't happened in a while:

It was the insightful Joel Mishon who selected and actually defended my caption (29:55), going so far as to call it his version of "Only if we bring them up Catholic."

The Judges Deliberate


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