Friday, August 16, 2024

Constantin Alajálov: The Ladies in Their Fancy Hats

A minor illustration, or so one might judge it, by the major illustrator Constantin Alajálov of The New Yorker and The The Saturday Evening Post shows no fewer than eleven ladies wearing fancy hats at a meeting of their club. The oddly-contoured cutout may or may not have been published. It was sold on eBay in 2016, tape and all, for a best offer south of $79.
Constantin Alajálov

Constantin Alajálov

Constantin Alajálov's signature

Verso of the sheet on which the drawing is mounted

Constantin Alajálov
eBay listing ended November 5, 2016

Constantin Alajálov
eBay listing

Note:  Constantin Alajálov was quite prolific and not all of his work corresponds to known published pieces. Anyone who may have seen these particular hats (and the ladies who wear them) in print is encouraged to let us know where and when.


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