Thursday, April 7, 2016

My Entries in the Moment Cartoon Caption Contest for January/February 2016

The Moment Cartoon Caption Contest allows multiple entries and I submitted no fewer than eight for the January/February 2016 contest.
“I think I’ve got the inside track.”
“Do you think there’s paperwork after death?”
“The money’s gone and the police think it was an inside job.”
“I have silent partners.”
“It was a moneymaker until Costco started selling them.”
“Stop tut-tutting me!”

"This is the retirement plan."
"I see you've discovered our little pyramid scheme."

I now disavow the Costco caption because of the disagreement between it and them. Let's see if any of my captions made it to the finalist round.
Moment Cartoon Caption Contest Finalists for January/February 2016

Okay, that's a very good result. Even better, I won the November/December 2015 Contest, my fourth. Here are the vital statistics:  Of the sixteen contests I've entered thus far, my caption has made it to finalist status in thirteen. Meanwhile, of the twelve completed contests in which I have been a finalist I have now won four. This means when I am one of three finalists, I have a winning percentage of exactly 33%. In statistics, this is what we call a no-brainer.

June 5, 2016 Update: Winning Caption

Note:  This week I celebrated three years of entering cartoon caption contests and they're all in the archives.

The collected Attempted Bloggery posts about Benjamin Schwartz are available for your enjoyment 24/7.

I've already voted for my favorite caption in the January/February contest. You can too. The deadline for voting is April 20. While you're at it, why not enter the March/April contest yourself?


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