Monday, September 16, 2024

My Entry in The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #913

An artist goes to her psychotherapist in The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #913 from the issue of September 16, 2024 and she paints a Rorschach test. My submission is shown below. The insightful drawing is by Suerynn Lee.

"But I'm not repressed. It's just a kitty cat."

These captions lacked awareness:

"I'm going to have to charge you for this."
"This is more about you than me."
"That's it. Too sane for you?"
"If you want, I can make it more deranged."
"Whoops! Is that too much self-doubt?"
"I see the inability to make a living as an artist."


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Charles Addams: To Fetch a Pail of Water

In the summer of 2018, Sotheby's auctioned off an original drawing by Charles Addams that appeared in The New Yorker in 1957. It is an unusual take on a familiar nursery rhyme.

Charles Addams
Original art
The New Yorker, November 16, 1957, p. 58
The cartoon forces us to reconsider what exactly is meant by those verses about Jack and Jill that we all know by heart. The drawing had a presale estimate of $4,000 to $6,000. But this time bidders chose to scale not a mountain but a hill.

Charles Addams
Sotheby's Fine Books and Manuscripts Including Americana Online sale of June 28, 2018, Lot 229


Charles Addams
The New Yorker, November 16, 1957, p. 58

Charles Addams
Original art
The New Yorker, November 16, 1957, p. 58

With a cartoon by Charles Addams and an advertisement for Lunt Sterling


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Mischa Richter: With the U.S. Army Censor

A single-panel cartoon by Mischa Richter is set in the office of the U.S. Army Censor during the Second World War, very likely in 1944. In July, Westport Auctions offered up the original work with a broad presale estimate of $50 to $10,000. The hammer price was more narrow: $50.

"I'll thank you to mind your own business!"
Mischa Richter
Original cartoon art






Mischa Richter
Westport Auction listing of July 16, 2024

Note:  Please send word if you know where and when this cartoon was published.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Mischa Richter: Visiting Hours

Cartoonist Mischa Richter certainly appreciated a good turn of phrase. Presumably so did writer Melvin Shestuck, who was the recipient of this original art in 1945. And I'm sure the patient here was grateful as well.

"We want to visit another patient here tonight—sort of killing two birds with one stone."
Mischa Richter
Original cartoon art

Mischa Richter's signature

"To Melvin Shestuck
with regards—
Nov. 17, 1945  Richter"

Unless someone can make out these markings on the back, the place where this was published is lost to history. Some eighty years later, the artwork changed hands on eBay.

Note:  As with any of my posts, if you know more than I do about what I have presented here—such as publication history—please share it. I am always eager to share original work by Mischa Richter.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Neil Simon to Harvey Orkin

A letter from playwright Neil Simon to writer and talent agent Harvey Orkin has been placed on the market by the latter's son Anthony, now of Portland, Oregon. The letter has a number of inside jokes, apparently, and a rather convoluted timeline. Fortunately, Downtown Brown Books—also of Portland—has done a little research and tries to put it all into context. The typed letter, signed Doctoré on Simon's printed stationery, is available at the time of posting for $240.

Neil Simon
AbeBooks listing accessed September 11, 2024


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Peter Sellers to Harvey Orkin's Son Anthony

Writer and talent agent Harvey Orkin (1918-1975) represented actor Peter Sellers (1925-1980). Two signed pieces from the actor to Orkin's son Anthony have recently come to the market from Downtown Brown Books of Portland, Oregon. One handwritten note on a Gucci card reads "From the desk of Peter (Pete) Sellers with Compliments." The second note, on Regency Hotel stationery, is more personal. Addressed to Anthony, it dates from the time period after "The Return of the Pink Panther" was shot but before its 1975 release.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

S. J. Perelman to Harvey Orkin and His Son Anthony

Two postcards from humorist S. J. Perelman have made their way onto the market via the estate of writer and talent agent Harvey Orkin (1918-1975). Orkin won an Emmy award for "You'll Never Get Rich" which starred Phil Silvers as Sergeant Bilko. The first postcard, chronologically, was sent in 1968 from Florence, Italy.

A 1974 postcard was mailed to Orkin's Fifth Avenue Columbia Pictures office from Sarasota, Florida.

Finally, a 1975 letter to Orkin's son Anthony V., here referred to as "Avo," is written locally on New Yorker magazine stationery. Perelman aims to share his love of words with the young man. Of note, he does not share his love of cheesecake postcards.

Each of these notes is priced at $180 on AbeBooks. (On eBay, they're $188.)

S. J. Perelman
AbeBooks listing accessed September 9, 2024


S. J. Perelman
AbeBooks listing accessed September 9, 2024


S. J. Perelman
AbeBooks listing accessed September 9, 2024

Note:  Readers fortunate enough to be in possession of a postcard or letter from S. J. Perelman and who need a blog on which to have it posted know where to find me.

Can someone please start a Wikipedia page for Harvey Orkin? Or is that asking too much?


Monday, September 9, 2024

My Entry in The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #912

I hope you kept your appointment with The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #912 from the issue of September 9, 2024. My submission is shown below. The drawing is by Lonnie Millsap.

"Stay back. He's only got one."

These captions were not board eligible:

"I don't like the looks of this."
"Let's call for backup."
"Sir, they don't teach us about proverbs."
"I hope you're not going to eat that."
"No going out for more."
"I see your problem. That apple's made of wax."


Sunday, September 8, 2024

License Plate for the Last Limo in New York?

Well, even if this isn't the very last limousine in New York City, its license plate still might be a good way to make it stand out.

New York Taxi & Limousine Commission license plate