Saturday, September 7, 2024

Peter and Brooke Schjeldahl's Copy of Lives of the Artists by Calvin Tomkins

The title Lives of the Artists properly belongs to Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), biographer of Renaissance artistic luminaries. It was used more recently, in 2008, by Calvin Tomkins (born 1925) for his collected New Yorker profiles of contemporary artists. The copy inscribed in the year of publication to another New Yorker writer on the arts, the late Peter Schjeldahl (1942-2022) and his wife Brooke, is currently listed on AbeBooks. At just 254 pages, though, this is evidently not the full six-volume, 1640 page edition. Priced at $50, it still seems a good deal.

Calvin Tomkins
AbeBooks listing accessed September 6, 2024

The shipping cost is $6 to a US address, but $32 to a German one. I have no idea why this came up.

Note:  Please check your library for books inscribed from one New Yorker writer or artist to another. I just might have a place for you to show them off on this blog.


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