Thursday, July 11, 2024

The New Yorker Album of Drawings 1975-1985 Signed by Three

Evolving Lens Bookseller of Kingston offers a thrice-signed copy of The New Yorker Cartoon Album 1975-1985.

Unlike the personalized and well-decorated copy we saw here yesterday, this one has just three cartoonist signatures—belonging to Edward Koren, art editor Lee Lorenz, and Danny Shanahan—with no other scribbles. While the book certainly could have been signed at an event, it's rarity suggests to me that it's one of just a few copies signed almost at random on look day, the morning cartoonists traditionally brought their work in to show the art editor, later the cartoon editor.

But this conjecture of mine raises its own questions. Why was it signed by only three cartoonists? If it was look day, why couldn't  a dozen cartoonists represented in the collection have signed? Was the book meant for a corporate client of the magazine? Nearly forty years have passed, the book's signers are all gone, and it may be hard to find anyone who has the answers.

The book is priced at $275.
The New Yorker Cartoon Album 1975-1985
Evolving Lens Bookseller listing accessed July 10, 2024


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