Friday, July 19, 2024

Peter Arno's Side-Show for November 1937

There was quite a bit of hanky-panky taking place in Peter Arno's trio of cartoons published in College Humor's issue of November 1937. The drawings appeared, of course, in the popular cartoonist's regular "Side-Show" feature. Arno's deft depictions of all those well-dressed (and well-underdressed) grown-ups misbehaving seemed to keep that young college crowd perpetually entertained. Go figure.

"There must be some mistake, sir! The charge here is for crêpes suzettes!"               "This Miss Maxwell, sir—Shall we send her a thank-you note?"
                                                                                                                   "Why, Hartley—you're jealous!"
Peter Arno
College Humor, November 1937

Note:  Of the 600 million-odd blogs in the world, this is the only one which regularly seeks out cartoonist Peter Arno's mid-1930s work that appeared in the magazine College Humor. That's an oversight on those other blogs' part, I'm sure. Needless to say, submissions of other obscure Arno works are always welcome here. I might even send contributors a thank-you note.


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