Sunday, July 14, 2024

Dorothy McKay in College Humor, April 1937

Once again, Dorothy McKay is represented by two full-page cartoons in the April 1937 College Humor. Then as now, people seem not to know what to make of changing social rules.

"Can't you think of anything to do?"
Dorothy McKay
College Humor, April 1937, p. 33

Parents just won't ever get it.
"Emily, show the young man your father's trophies—perhaps he's interested in wild life!"
Dorothy McKay
College Humor, April 1937, p. 50

Note:  I've just ordered three more issues of College Humor, so I hope to have some additional Dorothy McKay cartoons to share here soon. In the meantime, I'd like to hear from readers with images of original McKay art or obscure published cartoons.


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