Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The CartoonStock Cartoon Caption Contest No. 168

For the CartoonStock Caption Contest #168, Joe Dator takes the story of the Trojan Horse and substitutes a giant pantomime horse with two clueless perpetrators. How on earth does one write a caption for this?

The rules of the monthly cash prize contest should be familiar by now: Five bucks buys up to three entries. Real cash prizes are $500 for first place and $100 for each of five runners up. As of this writing, I've put $65 into the first thirteen pay-to-play contests and this one brings my cash outlay up to $70. The great news is that I was lucky enough to win $200 so far along the way, so I'm playing with the house's money. Some very talented caption writers play and I don't know whether I can keep it up, but I'm going to work at it like a Trojan. My three latest entries are shown below, above the break. Below the break are my also-rans.

"Troy isn't going to fall for a pair of big boobs."
"Folks here don't have names like Shock and Awe."

"You can tell Homer this will never sell."
* * *
"It's wartime. The costume party has been downsized."
"That's the best you Greeks could come up with? We ride off bareback and leave Troy unguarded?"
"Go home and try again."

July 4, 2023 Update:  The Winner

In his Caption Contest Commentary, eight-time New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest Winner Lawrence Wood cited one of my captions. Unfortunately, he was the only one of the four judges to be amused by it.

The judges deliberate on YouTube:


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