Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The CartoonStock Caption Contest #161

There's something magical about the CartoonStock Caption Contest #161. To recap, here's how the contest works: $5 buys you three entries. Real cash prizes are $500 for first place and $100 for each of the five runners up. As of this writing, I've invested $35 in this my seventh pay contest and I managed to win $100 on the previous outing. Odds remain good for now while few people enter. My three new entries are shown below at the top of the list; the lower captions were considered by me but ultimately not entered. The drawing of an onstage rabbit abandoned mid-act in a magician's hat is by Avi Steinberg.

"Did all you federal agents really think you could outsmart the greatest magician of our time?"
"But he promised not to go to Aruba without me!"
"Never mind him. It's a snug hat and you don't want to know where the dove is."
* * *
"I need a volunteer from the audience eager to adopt a performing pet."
"His last words were 'Rabbits make such loving pets.'"

December 21, 2022 Update:  The Winner

January 22, 2023 Update:  The contest deliberations have been posted on YouTube.

Contest #161 Deliberations


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