Saturday, February 15, 2025

Three Old Clippings

Our good friend Joel Jacobus is perennially occupied with the pursuit of Charles Addams memorabilia but he occasionally passes along to us other cartoonist material that is less altogether ooky. Today we have three clippings about newspaper cartoonists who were popular in the 1940's. He writes:
Anyway, there are three old newspaper clippings (one of them is dated March 27, 1949 and I suspect the other two are of a similar time period) about newspaper cartoonists Cliff Berryman (Pulitzer Prize winner and creator of the teddy bear), Ding Darling (also a Pulitzer Prize winner), and Jorge Delano. I suspect that there was once a fourth clipping about Charles Addams that has since been absorbed into the collection, leaving these three clippings, unloved, in a dark and lonesome box.
Unloved? We can't have that.

Clifford K. Berryman
Star Tribune (Minneapolis), March 27, 1949, p. 32

Ding Darling
Star Tribune (Minneapolis), May 20, 1945, p. 12

Jorge Delano
The Minneapolis Star, August 4, 1945, p. 14

Note:  My thanks to Joel Jacobus, of course, for all the new old information.


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