Sunday, July 28, 2024

Coming Soon: Three Issues of College Humor

The math is straightforward. Each issue of College Humor magazine that included cartoonist Peter Arno's work, circa 1936-1937, contained three cartoons in a popular, I assume, feature called "Side-Show." Of the Arno originals that were either purchased by or consigned to the Nicholls Gallery in 1985, I have yet to account for nine of them in any of the various copies of the magazine I've either collected or else examined at Columbia University. This means I still need to acquire, or examine, at least three more issues to document their content and check it agains the remaining cartoons in the Nicholls consignment. See, it's simple.

I found a couple of the sought-after issues on Etsy, readily available but, to my mind, overpriced. The first of these, from October 1936, announces its Arno content boldly on the cover (as do virtually all of them so far with the artist's work).

Sam Berman
Photographed by Dudley Lee
College Humor, October 1936
Etsy listing accessed July 27, 2024

College Humor, October 1936
Etsy price accessed July 27, 2024

The 25% discount from $67.08 to $50.31 is supposed to encourage potential buyers on Etsy. I was encouraged instead by finding a different copy on eBay with a 30% discount, from $35.99 to $25.19. I did not bother to make an offer; I just bought the thing.
Sam Berman
Photographed by Dudley Lee
College Humor, October 1936

College Humor, October 1936
eBay listing accessed July 27, 2024

College Humor, October 1936
eBay item description

Next up, a copy of the March 1937 number, again with its Arno content proclaimed on the banner, was priced at $60.37 on Etsy; this a purported 25% discount.
Bil Baird
Photographed by Dudley Lee
College Humor, March 1937
Etsy listing accessed July 27, 2024

College Humor, March 1937
Etsy price accessed July 27, 2024

But a little research on my part identified a copy of the issue priced at $30 on eBay, shipping included. I know a deal when I see one.
Bil Baird
Photographed by Dudley Lee
College Humor, March 1937

There's one thing the skiing wizard and the girl bronc buster both agree on:

The conscientious seller addressed condition issues I was not really concerned about.

Finally, the December 1934 issue also boasted some Arno drawings. At $14.44, it was the best buy of the three.
Lay off, you mugs
Russell Patterson
Photographed by Eugene Hutchinson
Clothes designed by Gladys Parker
College Humor, December 1934

As you can see, a certain blogger has been quite busy. I spent more than I wished to, but I have a feeling I'm now familiar with at least most of Arno's run in College Humor. And anything remaining may be harder to find and therefore more expensive.

August 3, 2024 Update:  The December issue arrived and, despite the higher 25 cent cover price, it is dated 1934, not 1937 as in the eBay listing. It has two full-page Arno cartoons which predate his "Side-Show" feature. The cover sculptor, Russell Patterson, is now identified. I have updated all this information so the magazines are not presented in the chronological order I had originally intended.

Note:  I'd still like to hear from anyone with Peter Arno rarities, either obscure published cartoons or original art. I'll even do the math.


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