Thursday, July 4, 2024

A Dragon Fancier's Copy of I, Leonardo by Ralph Steadman?

Twenty-five years ago, Ralph Steadman signed a copy of the softcover edition of I, Leonardo (1988). 

Although there's no inscription, there is a drawing of a fantastic Steadman creature. Is it drawn at the request of a dragon fancier? Or might it be something made to gratify a dinosaur enthusiast? The two-legged, four-toed, spined creature raises some questions as to its taxonomy. Of course, the inspiration for it could be pure Steadman. What ever it has to do with Leonardo may not be self-evident. The ink spatter, a Steadman trademark, comes already printed on the page.

Steadman is not squeamish about illustrating Leonardo's anatomical studies. He leaves it to the master's assistants to convey their comic reactions to the gruesome scene.

Ralph Steadman
AbeBooks listing accessed July 3, 2024

Ralph Steadman
AbeBooks item description


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