Friday, September 13, 2024

Mischa Richter: Visiting Hours

Cartoonist Mischa Richter certainly appreciated a good turn of phrase. Presumably so did writer Melvin Shestuck, who was the recipient of this original art in 1945. And I'm sure the patient here was grateful as well.

"We want to visit another patient here tonight—sort of killing two birds with one stone."
Mischa Richter
Original cartoon art

Mischa Richter's signature

"To Melvin Shestuck
with regards—
Nov. 17, 1945  Richter"

Unless someone can make out these markings on the back, the place where this was published is lost to history. Some eighty years later, the artwork changed hands on eBay.

Note:  As with any of my posts, if you know more than I do about what I have presented here—such as publication history—please share it. I am always eager to share original work by Mischa Richter.


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