Sunday, August 4, 2024

Dorothy McKay: Priorities

The original art for a full color, full page 1956 Esquire cartoon by Dorothy McKay is currently available from Honey & Wax Booksellers of Brooklyn.

"Why don't you do something, dear, besides just make money?"
Dorothy McKay
Original art
 September 1956, p. 88

McKay's frustrating cartooning career with The New Yorker ended in 1936. Yet this Esquire piece from two decades later seems to retain something of a New Yorker cartoon sensibility. One can imagine a black-and-white version being perfectly at home in its pages. Fortunately, the drawing was appreciated by Esquire's editors and it found a good home away from home. 

"Why don't you do something, dear, besides just make money?"
Dorothy McKay
Original art
 September 1956, p. 88

"Why don't you do something, dear, besides just make money?"
Dorothy McKay
Esquire, September 1956, p. 88

Note:  Are you burdened by original Dorothy McKay art going unshared despite the ready availability of the internet? Are you in need of a suitable blog to realize your dream of letting the world at large appreciate what's in your collection? I stand eager to share images of your treasures.


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