Saturday, August 17, 2024

Peter Arno's Side-Show for October 1936

Peter Arno's "Side-Show" feature for the College Humor issue of October 1936 covered the usual two pages with three cartoons. The initial full-page cartoon shows a menacing face in the window.

"Your husband, Eleanor—what sort of looking man is he?"
Peter Arno
College Humor, October 1936, p. 10

The pair of cartoons on the facing page concern a special delivery and a commuting suggestion.
"It's for you, dear."
* * *
"Here!—You folks ought to know each other."

Peter Arno
College Humor, October 1936, p. 11

The original art for each of these College Humor cartoons, in one form or another, has been seen on the blog here. I have corrected the captions from the Nicholls Gallery notes to what was actually printed.
"Your husband, Eleanor—what sort of looking man is he?"

"It's for you, dear."

"Here!—You folks ought to know each other."
Peter Arno
Original art at auction

Note:  Sometimes a photo from a contact sheet or an old auction listing just isn't enough. I'm still hoping to hear from people with original College Humor art by Peter Arno. You know where to find me.


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