Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Peter Arno's Side-Show for December 1936

A regular installment of Peter Arno's "Side-Show" appeared in College Humor's issue of December 1936. All three cartoons deal rather distinctively with male-female relationships, a specialty of the artist and a subject of keen interest, no doubt, to the college crowd.

"I do wish you'd change your mind and come along!"                                                      "Well—put up a fight! Don't just sit there!"
                                                                                                                                            "Come right in, madam. The marster's awaiting you in his lair."

Peter Arno
College Humor, December 1936, pp. 18-19

Original art for two of these three cartoons were consigned to the Nicholls Gallery in July of 1985. Thumbnail photographic images of the artwork from a gallery contact sheet are shown below, as well as the original art for the third cartoon which the gallery did not accept because of some regrettable paper loss. This and a number of other College Humor cartoons are in the archives here.

"I do wish you'd change your mind and come along!"

"Well—put up a fight! Don't just sit there!"

"Come right in, madam. The marster's awaiting you in his lair."

"Come right in, madam. The marster's awaiting you in his lair."
Peter Arno
Original art
College Humor, December 1936

Note:  I do love to match up original artwork with published cartoons. How else could we learn that Peter Arno had to initial the above artwork twice because the crop line was raised? 

I have long sought to make this blog a virtual repository of original Arno art and all I need to continue doing this is . . . more Arno art. It sounds so simple, doesn't it? Please help me keep up this tradition by providing me with images of great Arno originals.


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